Tamara Lynn Hannaway, PhD

Business Information and Analytics

Assistant Teaching Professor

Tamara Lynn Hannaway spent the first 20 years of her career in management for three Fortune 500 companies. There, she spent significant time gaining experience in strategic planning, budgeting, forecasting, program implementation, evaluation and management positions.

Hannaway is particularly interested in helping business leaders become superior strategists, managers, high-functioning employees and contributing citizens who are aware of their ability to affect their future and confident in their skills. She seeks to help her students view business decisions through the lens of opportunity cost and binary logic. She believes that economic thinking informs the decisions that all organizations make to increase forecast accuracy, measure and advance managerial competence, strengthen the policy process, and thwart corruption.

Hannaway is a veteran instructor in economics, finance, budgeting, statistics, administration, and public and business policy sciences, and she brings real-world lessons and enthusiasm to economics, policy formation, processes and analytics. 

She earned her MBA in Economics from Westminster College and her PhD in Public Affairs, with a focus on Economic Development Policy, from the University of Denver. The scope of her PhD research required longitudinal multivariate analysis using the STATA platform, which was the most robust software for large data sets at that time.      

Melissa Archpru Akaka is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Denver. Her research investigates the co-creation of value in consumer cultures and consumption experiences as well as collaborative innovation and entrepreneurship in dynamic service ecosystems. Dr. Akaka’s scholarly work has been published in a variety of academic journals, including Journal of Service Research, Journal of International Marketing and Industrial Marketing Management. Her work was recently recognized for being “highly cited” (in the top 1%) by Thomson Reuters.